
Monday, 16 August 2021

Reading: Story board 2021

Task: Descrption: Hello today's post is about this girl that has tybe 1 diabetes which only one in 2 thousand people get it. so this is the story the was this family and they were on a camping trip then the parents started to notice that there daughter was drinkin g so much so the mum got worried went quickly to the hospital only to find out that there daughter has tybe one diabetes so she was taken to a hopital ward were they can check up on her later that day she discharge and went home but had take pill's that would make her all better however there not sure if the is a cure for it The End.


  1. This is amazing Taliyah! I can tell that you have put a lot of effort into it.

  2. Awesome work Tahliyah and you you have drawn some great pictures can't wait to read your next blog...


  3. Hi Tahliyah, hope all is well, really like the pictures that go with your story. Looking forward to more blogs from you during lockdown.
    Take care.

  4. Kia ora Tahliyah,
    I love that you shared an important health message through a short story with your own original graphic images. Impressive and really creative.
    Stay well, stay safe Tahliyah - keep sharing your awesome work!
    Take care, Ms. Tapuke
