Immersion Assembley
kia ora My name is Tahliyah and I will be taking you back to the start of the week on the 12 th of october and what all the teams are doing for our new korero Art alive Which is our new korero for this term which means we will be doing art for the term here are what the other teams are doing with there art.
Team:1 What Team one is doing for Art alive is focusing more about trying diffrent things around trying to do with there art is to try out diffrent portrait's and dressing up like them and taking photo's and studing about famous portrait's and famous painters and Taking photo's to try and look like them.
Team:2 What team Two is doing for there Art alive well what There also doing is Looking at diffrent Portrait's and trying to paint and to do peoples faces of pacifica art and also learning about shapes with the rangoli powder and they just make shapes and they will also learn symmetry.
Team:3 What team Three is doing for Art alive is Tie dying with water guns and making background and make diffrents paintings and making beautiful tie die backgrounds and just squrting diffrent colour's and making a rainbow and specks of white paint on the top of the painting and they were also just mixing diffrent colour.
Team:4 What team Four is doing for Art alive is culturel patterns so not just one culture it's all the cutures that they could think about and making diffrent designs and also making colourful and diffrent art work and that really sounds so fun. Have fun Team four!
Team:5 What Team five is doing for Art alive is looking at diffrent painters and learning some of the skills around there art work a nd so keep tuned for more art work and look at how we do our art work and Here are some of the skills Team 5 will be doing in our art work.
1. Pointislism
2. Divisiolism
Which mean's that Pointislism is the technique that Geroges uses in his art and Divisiolism is where you put 2 pure colours next to each other and when you look far away your eyes mix the colours on it's own.