
Tuesday, 25 June 2019

decimals maths 2019 Mr Goodwin

Walt: recognise shapes and sides.

Task description: Today Me and my maths group were learing how to do decimals for year 6

Monday, 24 June 2019

Decimal Problem.2019

Walt: recognise shapes and sides.

Task:description: I had help from Mr Wright and then I did it all by myself.

Independentand Dependent writng 2019

Walt: to construct effective sentences
Task; Description:Today we were learning how to write Independentand and Dependent writng so me and my class were  tring so have a little look of what room 7 did today 

Friday, 21 June 2019

reading task 4th one 2019

Walt: Take charge of our own learning.
Task description: This is my 4th task of the day for reading today this task was to screencastify for reading to it then it records you reading.

Thursday, 20 June 2019

AlphaBetiCal order 2019

Walt: take charge of our own learning.
Task Description: Today this is my 3rd task od the day this time this task is all about AlphaBetiCal task this time you will have to find some of the words that relate to the story then you have to put them into AlphaBetiCal order.

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Character Emotions 2019

Walt:Take charge of our own learning.
Task Description: this was my second Task of the day this task is quite different task to the another task this task was about what you think the character  Emotions and what you think there emotions.

Journal Word Find 2019

Walt: Take charge of our own learning.
Task:Description: Today Me and my reading group were doing a word search and filling the blank parts in random words and we did part of the senteces then you have to find the words